Peters Genetics and the Grant Bros hosted a successful field day on Friday, 5 April, 2013. Farmers turned out to enjoy an informative farm tour and listen to an array of speakers, including: Colin McKay, Zolvix Drench, Wayne Nichol, PGG Wrightson Seeds, Norman & Andrew Eason, Grant Cuff, CEO of Alliance Group.
The field day kicked off at 11.30a.m. with about sixty people in attendance.
Trevor Peters open the speaking, followed by Chairman for day, Trevor Wilson.Robert Grant conducted the farm tour looking at crop. Wayne Nicol talked through ewe and lambs, 2nd ewes, which were in excellent condition. Radio tuned to 88.6 for commentary. Then returned to the woolshed.
Zolvix Drench – Colin McKay (David Shearer look alike) new drench launched 2009. Benefits quarantine drench, dose costs 60 – 70 cents. Concern over existing drenches not developed to combat increased worm resistance.

Tour with Cameron Grant, this area was probably the highlight of their development programme. Sheep on property, excellent with mention of Peters Genetics, the increased lambing percentages.
Viewed 2th ewes - Clayton spoke on behalf of Peters Genetics, followed up by Shane Carter on the 2013 breeding plan for the group.
Throughout the entire Farm Tour, Wayne Nicol spoke on the progress of development, using the correct plan for the Grant Brothers. “Very Professional”.
Returned to Woolshed - Norman Eason addressed farmers on the use of Peters Genetics and the immense improvement at his property at Slope-Down. (Even said satisfies his Banker) Norman now has Andrew in partnership. (Younger generation).
Grant Cuff – CEO Alliance Group – Market update and merger proposal. This presentation was very good, especially with no notes and of the (Cuff!!)
Some points – China growth – Existing schedule currency equates to $50 less for lamb over 3 years. Out look better with all current lamb kill fully sold, no overhang like previous season.
Merger questions from T. Peters, W. Wadsworth, N. Eason, C. Douglas, Peter Grant and R. Allen – “Will it happen” - Not unless 80% commitment from Processors from all companies – and of course at what cost.
Peter Grant Snr., invited to address group – highlighted the development programme of the past and early history of the property.
Field Day concluded with draw of Livestock Credits - $1000 – Andrew Paton, Kaiwere $250 – Corey Roulston, Parkhill $250 – Robina Johnston, Mandeville $250 – Bill Clearwater, Mandeville $250 – Robert Allen, Tussock Creek Thanks to Cameron and Robert for the Field Day – along with the Peters Family.